Illustration of two young friends
Young people are dealing with demands and stresses online when they engage with online spaces. Whilst managing these multiple connections and beginning relationships online, they are exposed to immediate online pressures, including unwanted personal/sexual comments, being asked for nudes, receiving unwanted sexual images/nudes, and unwanted people messaging them. There is a need for young people to be able to access resources to keep themselves and their friends safe, and deal with these pressures.
Theme 1 - Immediate online pressures

Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Have received unwanted sexual images/nudes when chatting and linking with other young people online (27% had ‘very often’ or ‘often’). This was even more frequent in 20-24s but a concerning amount of 13-15s had experienced these pressures
Ghosting away from trouble
Several also noted, in former years, they worried about not being nice to someone but now realise that their safety and security is more important. Many described ‘ghosting’ or ‘blocking’ any communication or contacts they find troubling.

“But I've also had a guy I did tell I wanted to end things continue to harass me on several social media platforms, so I had to ghost and eventually block!” - Young person, 20-24 years
The danger at any age
Young people aged 20-24 confirmed the dangers to those who are younger.

“I was just going to say I've experienced quite a lot of people being quite forward when they like slide into your DMs like, and it's happened quite a lot as well like with my partner's ten-year-old sister and it's quite scary when things like that happen.” - Young person, 20-24 years

Some young people also spoke of networks in school where nude photos are coerced from young people and shared.

The easiness of
manipulation online
Young people are also open to being emotionally manipulated by people they have only met online – especially younger age groups. This can also generate a possible false intimacy more rapidly.

Those in the 13-16 year old group mentioned this issue more frequently than in the other age groups.

It's very much easier for people to hide their real identities online or not tell the full truth. I think people…like they know each other less than in the past and they start talking to each other and being, getting closer to each other because of the internet.” - Young person, 13-16 years

Only 17% of young people had never had unwanted personal/sexual comments when chatting/linking online
Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Only 16% had never had unwanted people messaging them.
Have 'very often' or 'often' experienced unwanted people messaging them when chatting and linking with other young people online.
How would you help a friend
going through this?
These are all real stories as told to us by young people
- - Trigger warning - please be aware these stories are hard to read. - -
Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Have experienced unwanted personal/sexual comments when chatting and linking with other young people online
Things to think about
These are just some of the many questions that might prompt answers:

  • How might we provide young people with ways to manage these pressures online?
  • How might we help young people when their offline world collides with their online world so much that they can't escape the pressures?
  • How might we help someone show their friend what's happening to them online?
  • How might we help someone deal with a situation where their friend has private images shared with others?
How might we...?
Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
'Very often' been asked for nudes when chatting and linking with other young people online
What are we doing about this?
We're currently working with young people in England and Wales to explore these insights so that we can co-produce resources to tackle the problem. We'll then need your help to get them out into places where young people spend time, both offline and online.

As we learn and create, we'll keep updating this page, so please do come back to see more.

If you want to get in touch to help with this theme please contact

#WhatWillWork #YourBestFriend