Although the majority of young people stated the threat of physical abuse would trigger them to step in, several young people recognised the damage of the psychological abuse and controlling behaviours that appear to be widespread, and somewhat accepted, in their networks. This final theme highlights the need to de-normalise the behaviours that young people are seeing (especially online) due to the trauma and impact this can have on young people. The more it's all seen as 'normal' - the more it will persist and spiral.
Theme 11 - It's not normal... the real impact
Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
79% / 92%
The threat of physical (79%) or actual physical harm (92%) would be when young people say they would definitely seek professional support
The impact is long lasting...
Some young people highlighted a worrying trend in schools where networks of boys and young men circulate nudes of girls and young women. When this happens, young people stressed it is the young women that are shamed, not boys or young men.

“When I was in high school there was… there was always like big issues with men, kind of, outing girls nudes…And then there was like a whole, like…revenge porn where like these pictures had just been sent out to everyone, everyone has seen them. I think that’s really scary and traumatic for young girls.”​
- Young person, 20-24

“It’s like a massive problem because every year when the children hit like, year nine… year ten, a group of boys they make group chats to circulate nudes in. So, it will even been boys from other schools and it’s like, it’s like a massive network thing that’s continuously happening year after year.​"
- Young person, 20-24
The impact on mental health
Several young people noted the impact of emotional and psychological abuse on a person’s mental health, causing fear and confusion. Other young people talked about the practical fears of leaving a toxic relationship, where someone will go and how overwhelming that situation can be.

“It can do so much to your head like mental health wise.” - Young person, 17-19

“He’s making her feel bad about her body and, you know calling her names…and the fact that she is confused is a big sign that she was being manipulated as well.”
- Young person, 13-16

I just feel for…if someone's been putting you down and you did break up with them…you’re going to have that in your head that no one’s going to like me.”​
- Young person, 20-24

Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Had been asked for nudes
How would you help a friend
going through this?
These are all real stories as told to us by young people
- - Trigger warning - please be aware these stories are hard to read. - -
Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Of young people said that self-doubt would 'definitely' or 'maybe' stop them talking to their friend about toxic or unhealthy relationships
Things to think about
These are just some of the many questions that might prompt answers:

  • How might we help young people know what to do if their friend's private images are being shared?
  • How might we help young people talk about changes in mental health more?
  • How might we make it easier to turn to for support once out of an abusive relationship?
  • How might we help friends look after themselves too?
  • How might we help young people recognise unacceptable behaviour?
  • How might we help friends put a stop to unacceptable behaviour?
  • How do we challenge people in positions of care to put a stop to unacceptable behaviour?
  • How do we help young people help their friends to not feel guilty about anything their abusive partner tells them?
How might we...?

Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Of young people also said that fear would 'definitely' or 'maybe' stop them talking to their friend about toxic or unhealthy relationships
What are we doing about this?
We're currently working with young people in England and Wales to explore these insights so that we can co-produce resources to tackle the problem. We'll then need your help to get them out into places where young people spend time, both offline and online.

As we learn and create, we'll keep updating this page so please do come back to see more.

If you want to get in touch to help with this theme please contact

#WhatWillWork #YourBestFriend