My friend is really caring and one of the people she was living with was having some mental health problems... she was being kind to him and helping. They were friends and then started sleeping together... He could get into these moods where she said he would become like someone else and would want to hurt himself... she became his sole support. She didn’t feel attracted to him anymore, but once he made moves and she said she wasn’t into it, he said “Well then go, and I’ll be here, on my own...“.
I kept being her listening ear and let her know that what was going on was not okay, and that her roommate should seek help... She felt so guilty for not taking better care of him and I, gently but firmly, said I understood where she was coming from, but this was not her responsibility. We would keep talking about this over a few months. I told her that she had been psychologically abused and that I thought he had raped her when he implied he would hurt himself if she didn’t sleep with him.