In school, my best friend was dating a guy who slowly became what I considered emotionally abusive. They began dating and, at that time, they seemed okay. A year later, they were intimate and almost inseparable.
However, he would message other girls on Snapchat which we could all see through his best friends list. She always said this didn’t bother her but we knew it did. He started to become emotionally toxic... he would call the girls he was messaging 'fat, ugly, slags' to her face to please her but then continue to message them.
He eventually kissed one of them. However, she stayed with him as it was a ‘mistake’. I was worried to get involved because she’d be mad at me but he was walking all over her and doing whatever he liked... I told her he was manipulative and that she should ditch him but instead she just grew more paranoid, getting me to watch him at events... I gave up trying and our friendship has fallen apart. She is still dating him and I have no idea why. He is one of those people who isn’t outwardly nasty so gets away with it…