Toxic, coercive and controlling behaviours are so common in young peoples relationships that they are considered normal. Young people, across all age groups, identified and named a range of abusive behaviours such as emotional manipulation, gaslighting, coercive control, blackmailing, grooming and guilt tripping. This all created a normality for pressures around sending nudes, deciding on clothing, checking phones, keeping tabs on where time is spent and with whom, and isolating people from friends. We need to de-normalise any form of coercive and controlling behaviour so that young people know that it's not ok.
Theme 2 - The commonness of control

Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Have seen, or have had a friend talk to them about behaviours that worry them in friends' relationships. This is even higher in young people aged 20-24 years (79%) and non-binary young people (78%).
Manipulation draws young people back in
Several young people highlighted the psychological manipulation used to draw a person back into the relationship, including the use of individuals threatening to harm themselves if a relationship ended.

And the whole I can't live without you is so manipulative! I've known people threatening suicide to keep people in abusive relationships” - Young person, 20-24 years
Isolation enables control
Young people told us that manipulation is used in relationships to distance and isolate young people from their friendship groups.

From my experience of, like, people that I’ve seen as well, when guys…emotionally manipulate you to like, not hang out with your friends…like, they’ll say things about your friends so like, because they don’t really like you hanging out with them.”
Young person, 20-24 years

I have friends who in the name of having a boyfriend, don’t hang out with any other person…it's like they're in a cage…they love the cage for like two months…but after that they realise that, a cage is a cage no matter how designed and beautiful it is…and I think a lot of relationships with young people nowadays is like a cage. They're just trapping each other.”
- Young person, 13-16 years
It's very common
"I think it's very common and very rarely spoken about! When someone asks for pictures of your outfit to ensure it's not too revealing"
- Young person, 17-19 years

Whilst young people are recognising and identifying non-physical abusive behaviours, in discussions they described a commitment fuelled by normalisation of these behaviours in their peer groups and a need to fit in.

“I've done it [sending nudes] once where, like, I felt like I had to do it to fit in…it’s a case of self-confidence as well. Maybe getting a compliment off a boy will make you feel pretty in that sense as well.”
- Young person, 13-16 years

Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Only a quarter of young people would definitely seek professional support if they saw a friend experiencing controlling behaviours.
How would you help a friend
going through this?
These are all real stories as told to us by young people
- - Trigger warning - please be aware these stories are hard to read. - -
Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
47% said they would ‘never’ talk to friends about toxic or unhealthy relationships at work
Things to think about
These are just some of the many questions that might prompt answers:

  • How might we help friends spot early signs or red flags?
  • How might we help reset what is accepted as 'normal'?
  • How might we help young people help a friend who is under manipulated influence?
How might we...?
Young people say they want more information about early signs of abuse, healthy vs unhealthy relationships, and 'red flags'; Anything to be able to demonstrate to their friends that toxic relationships are a widespread issue, not just a personal one. They also talked of anonymous chat rooms/forums to talk to other people in the same situation.

What information are young people asking for?
Young people talked about campaigns, using ads on social media to raise awareness. They mentioned the need for information to be relatable, relevant, funny but with a serious message, songs instead of written text, short, colourful, snappy quotes, influencers, authentic voice, more positive messages.

They say ‘what works’ is taking a non-judgemental, non-pressuring, empowering approach with friends. Ideas included a pros/cons list, domestic abuse quiz to tick off the red flags, real life stories.
What have young people said they need?

Survey of 641 young people aged 13-24 across England and Wales - August 2021
Had been asked for nudes
What are we doing about this?
We're currently working with young people in England and Wales to explore these insights so that we can co-produce resources to tackle the problem. We'll then need your help to get them out into places where young people spend time, both offline and online.

As we learn and create, we'll keep updating this page, so please do come back to see more.

If you want to get in touch to help with this theme please contact

#WhatWillWork #YourBestFriend